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Class eniro.maps.LatLngBounds

Extends eniro.maps.Bounds.

Defined in: LatLngBounds.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
eniro.maps.LatLngBounds.make(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)
Shorthand for quickly making bounds from two coordinates.
toUrlValue(precision, latLngReverse)
Turns this bounds into a URL bounds value on the form,sw.lng(),,ne.lng().
Methods borrowed from class eniro.maps.Bounds:
contains, equals, exactEquals, extend, getCenter, getNe, getSrs, getSw, intersects, isEmpty, toSpan, transform, union
Class Detail
eniro.maps.LatLngBounds(sw, ne)
Represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates. The rectangle is made up out of a south west and a north east corner.

Class is considered a value type. This class does not currently handle bounds that span the 180 degree longitudal meridian line.

{eniro.maps.LatLng} sw
The south west corner.
{eniro.maps.LatLng} ne
The north east corner.
Error if the eniro.maps.Srs of the two corners don't match.
Method Detail
<static> {eniro.maps.LatLngBounds} eniro.maps.LatLngBounds.make(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)
Shorthand for quickly making bounds from two coordinates.
{number} lat1
Latitude of coordinate 1
{number} lng1
Longitude of coordinate 1
{number} lat2
Latitude of coordinate 2
{number} lng2
Longitude of coordinate 2

{string} toUrlValue(precision, latLngReverse)
Turns this bounds into a URL bounds value on the form,sw.lng(),,ne.lng(). Our standard is lat,lng - others, notably OpenLayers do lng,lat. There's a parameter to to control the reverse order.
{number} precision Optional, Default: 6
The number of decimals to use in each value, default is 6.
{boolean} latLngReverse Optional, Default: false
If we are to reverse the lat,lng to be lng,lat OpenLayers style, default is false.
{string} the bounds, ready to be used in a URL.

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