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Class eniro.maps.Profile

Defined in: Profile.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Internal class that contains the profile properties loaded from the server.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
get(key, defaultValue)
Returns the value for the given key defined in the profile.
Returns the id of the profile.
Returns the language code of the profile.
i18n(key, context)
Looks up a key from a dictionary based on the language defined in this profile.
mapZoomForSrsZoom(mapTypeId, The)
Returns the map (user visible) zoom for the given internal zoom.
Returns an array of zoom levels available for the given map type id.
srsZoomForMapZoom(mapTypeId, mapZoom)
Returns the srs (internal, real) zoom for the given map zoom.
Class Detail
Internal class that contains the profile properties loaded from the server.
Method Detail
{string} get(key, defaultValue)
Returns the value for the given key defined in the profile.
{string} key
The key to look for.
{Mixed} defaultValue Optional, Default: undefined
A value to return if the value for the given key equals 'undefined'.
{string} The value for the given key defined in the profile, or defaultValue if it is 'undefined'.

{string} getId()
Returns the id of the profile.
{string} The id of the profile.

{string} getLangCode()
Returns the language code of the profile.
{string} The language code of the profile.

{string} i18n(key, context)
Looks up a key from a dictionary based on the language defined in this profile.
{string} key
The key for an i18n string in the dictionary.
{Object} [context] The context object having replacements for ${xxx} place holders in the translation.
{string} The translated string.

{number} mapZoomForSrsZoom(mapTypeId, The)
Returns the map (user visible) zoom for the given internal zoom.
{eniro.maps.MapTypeId} mapTypeId
The map to get zoom level for.
{number} The
(real) srs zoom.
{number} The user friendly zoom.

{Array} mapZoomLevels(mapTypeId)
Returns an array of zoom levels available for the given map type id.
{eniro.maps.MapTypeId} mapTypeId
the map type id to get zoom levels for.
{Array} array of (srs) zoom levels.

{number} srsZoomForMapZoom(mapTypeId, mapZoom)
Returns the srs (internal, real) zoom for the given map zoom.
{eniro.maps.MapTypeId} mapTypeId
The map to get zoom level for.
{number} mapZoom
The user/map zoom to translate to the internal srs zoom such as 1-14.
{number} The (real) srs zoom for the give map zoom such as 4-17.

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